As a peak body, Carers Tasmania’s role is to raise awareness and influence change.

Here you can find Carers Tasmania submissions to key national and state reforms, and reports and research relevant to carers.

Carers Tasmania Submissions and Research
Carers Tasmania’s Response to the National Carer Strategy Discussion Paper
Carers Tasmania’s Response to the Draft List of NDIS Supports
Carers Tasmania Feedback on the draft National Autism Strategy
Response to the Aged Care Bill 2023 Exposure Draft
Carers Tasmania’s Response to the Draft Registration to Work with Vulnerable People Regulations Order 2023
Carers Tasmania’s submission on the: Becoming an Adult – the experience of young Tasmanians today
Carers Tasmania’s Response to the Youth Job Strategy Discussion Paper
Carers Tasmania’s Submission on the Commonwealth Government COVID-19 Response Inquiry
A Stronger, more diverse, and independent community sector
Carers Tasmania’s Response to the Co-design of the New Mental Health Lived Experience Family, Carer and Kin Peak Body
Carers Tasmania’s response to the National Autism Strategy
Carers Tasmania’s Feedback on the draft Disability Inclusion Bill 2023 (Tas)
Response to the Sustainability Paper Tasmania
Carers Tasmania submission on the National Inquiry into Carer Recognition 2023
Carers Tasmania submission to the 22-23 NDIS Review
Carers Tasmania submission on the Senate Inquiry into ADHD 2023
Carers Tasmania Feedback on the Long-Term Plan for Healthcare in Tasmania 2040
Carers Tasmania Submission on the Early Years Strategy
Response to the Final Report for the Development of Tasmania’s Community-wide Literacy Framework 2023
Response to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport. Inquiry into Long Covid and Repeated Infections 2023
Response to the Australian Government NDIS Review ‘Our Approach’ Paper 2023
Carers Tasmania Response to the Guardianship and Administration Amendment Bill 2022
Response to the Tasmanian Health Service Statewide Hospitals Discharge Framework 2022
Carers Tasmania Response to the Draft Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Strategy 2023-2027
Carers Tasmania Submission on the draft Tasmanian Drug Strategy
Response to the Select Committee on Work and Care Terms of Reference
Submission on the Australian Government Productivity Commission Carer Leave Issues Paper
Response to the Tasmanian Draft Carer Recognition Act 2022
Carers Tasmania Response to the Our Healthcare Future – Advancing Tasmania’s Health
Carers Tasmania Submission to the New Government Strategy for older Tasmanians 2023 – 2029
Carers Tasmania Submission to the Tasmanian Women’s Strategy
Carers Tasmania COVID Impact Survey 2022
Response to the Review of the Disability Services Act 2011 Discussion Paper
Response to the Carer Recognition Legislation Discussion Paper – December 2021
Carers Tasmania Response to the Our Healthcare Future Issues Paper Establishing a Statewide Clinical Senate for Tasmania – November 2021
Carers Tasmania Submission to the Tasmanian Carer Action Plan 2021 – 2024
Senate Select Committee on COVID-19 – Australian Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Adult Education Strategy Submission
Carers Tasmania Submission on Aged Care Safety and Quality
Feedback on the Terms of Reference for the Aged Care Royal Commission
NDIS Survey 2019
Carers Tasmania feedback on the Disability and Community Services Individual Planning Framework
Under the Umbrella – Carers Tasmania’s Submission to the Reform Agenda for Alcohol and Drug Services in Tasmania
Tasmanian Child and Youth Wellbeing Outcomes Framework submission
A future Program for Family Based Care Out of Home Care Submission
NDIS Survey 2017
Carers Tasmania Response HACC reform discussion paper Oct 2017
Carers Tasmania – Tasmania Government Budget Submission 2015-2016
Caring Voices Project – Mental Health Carers Tasmania, COTA, Medicare Local Tasmania and Carers Tasmania
A place to call home
Caring a job and a half
Caring in a world of Government policies
Navigating the road to treatment support recovery