Carer Support
We provide many services to support carers, either in-person, over the phone or using Skype or Zoom. Our quality services include educational workshops, peer support, social gathering, individual support, information and advice.
Sometimes the smartest thing you can do is stop, even briefly. Remember, your wellbeing and resilience is critical and makes sure you are able to continue supporting your loved one.
To find out about Carer Support options in your area, get in touch with us on:
Make new friends
Our carers often say they love meeting other carers because ‘they get it and I don’t have to explain everything.’ Carers find this empowering and value the chance to meet with others in the same or similar situation. It reassures them that they are not alone and can talk things through with others that understand.
Sadly, many carers often tell us that they don’t have time for friends and social activities they previously enjoyed. That’s why carer support options are so highly helpful in reconnecting carers with others to provide much-needed social interaction.
Attending carer support activities, even just meeting for a cup of coffee or a trip to the movies can expand your social circle.
Anyone from any background can come along to our activities. Whether you are from a culturally diverse background, are an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander carer, or identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex, you are warmly welcomed.
Emotional Support
Carers often find it a relief to talk things over with people who understand the pressures of caring but are not directly involved with your situation. We have a network of support staff who are available to listen and assist you to manage your caring role. We are available to talk over the phone or can arrange to meet face to face at one of our three office locations across Tasmania.
If you would prefer to speak to one of our qualified counsellors, you could consider our counselling service.