It can be hard to keep track of policy changes and legislative reforms that affect you and the person that you are caring for.
Services and supports
There are a variety of support systems available through the government and other organisations, that can assist you in your caring role. Contact our knowledgeable, friendly team for advice specific to your situation.
National disability insurance scheme
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a new system to provide support and services to people with significant and permanent disability. It has been described as the most significant government initiative since Medicare. It is anticipated that 460,000 people will benefit from the NDIS by 2019 at a cost of $22 billion.
The NDIS is about giving the funding control to the person with disability (the participants). Participants will be able to choose what services they need and how, when and where they are provided. These services are provided to develop their skills and confidence.
Carers cannot get an NDIS plan or funding package in their own right. However, some supports for carers can be funded in a plan if they directly relate to the person with disability. Carers are also likely to benefit from the support the person they care for receives. The role of carers in assisting the person they care for to access the NDIS and develop the support plan is very important.
Carers Tasmania can offer a range of tools and supports to help you and the person you care for to navigate the NDIS process.
To find out what it could mean for the person you care for, download our Carers Tasmania NDIS fact sheet or visit the NDIS website:
You can also call NDIS contact centre from 8am to 11pm, Monday to Friday on:
Aged care
The Australian government’s My Aged Care contact centre and website is your starting point for accessing a range of aged care services. People aged 65 years and over are eligible for aged care services, or for people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background the age of eligibility starts at 50 years.
Finding out about the range of services available for you, and the older person that you are caring for, before you need them may help you to make well-informed decisions.
The services offered under My Aged Care depend on the individual’s situation – people requiring a higher level of care may be eligible for a home care package of supports, while others may just need some basic home supports in order to be able to remain at home. The level of supports that you or the person you care for can access will be determined by an assessment which can be arranged through contacting the My Aged Care line on 1800 200 422 from 8am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 2pm on Saturday.
New integrated plan for carer support services
In recognition of the need to support and sustain the vital work of unpaid carers, in 2015 the Australian Government committed $33.7 million over four years to design a new way of funding and delivering services called the Integrated Plan for Carer Support Services (The Plan). The Plan is being developed to reflect the Australian Government’s priorities for carers, and outlines actions to improve access to information and services specifically for carers.
The Department of Social Services (DSS) has been working with the sector and carers to co-design a service model which will provide more services to more carers, with the aim to reach carers earlier in their caring journey in order to sustain them by providing supports that build their capacity, reduce strain, enable increased participation in education and the workforce and ultimately improve wellbeing.
As the first step in delivering the Integrated Plan for Carer Support Services, the Carer Gateway, commenced in December 2015, and was developed specifically for carers, to help them access practical information and advice and connect with services in their local area.
Stage two of the Plan focused on an extensive two year process to design a proposed new carer service system with the carer sector and carers, and included public consultation.
Next steps:
- From October 2018, new digital services for carers will be rolled out through the Carer Gateway.
- From September 2019, the Government will establish a new network of Regional Delivery Partners across Australia to deliver and/or coordinate local and targeted services.
Policy challenges
1 in 8 Tasmanians are carers. About one quarter of the population are affected by government decisions and policies that impact on carers. Carers are entitled to services in their own right, even though their needs are inextricably linked with those of the care recipients.
Carers are entitled to the same rights, choices and opportunities as other Tasmanians. They require particular measures to be part of this social inclusion vision: flexible and responsive assistance to meet their diverse needs to sustain their caring responsibilities, maintain health and participate in community life.
We have have a wide range of publications, including factsheets and policy submissions which you may find useful.
The Voice of Carers
We are the voice of carers, so that their contribution to the Tasmanian community and economy is recognised. We provide opportunities for the general public, professionals, students, employers and services in the government and community sector to hear what’s important to carers and their families.
Carers Tasmania represents Tasmanian family carers’ interests and protects and advances their identified needs based on research and evidence.
We will raise awareness in the community so as to reach hidden family carers, in the community and the workplace so as to increase their self-recognition and knowledge of available services.